With our project “Adopt Ukraine” we were able to make 2 important connections with churches in Cherkassy and Kharkov regions. We plan to do presentations for promotion of national adoption with the propose to mobilize churches and find Christian families to adopt children who are in the orphanages at the moment. Every child deserves to be in a family and our dream is to see Ukraine without orphans. Our project manager Victoria will be going at the end of this month to Cherkassy region first and the next month she will be In Kharkov.
Please support her in your prayers so that in result of those presentations more children would find their families!
Stay tuned, we will keep you updated on the results of these presentations and stories from the families who already adopted.

пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.
пятница, 21 января 2011 г.
Thanks to the trainings which were conducted by ILDC in different regions of Ukraine, the number of adoptive families has increased. Also, various families who have already adopted from the orphanages made decisions to adopt more children. Our Adopt Ukraine manager Victoria has reported that in Apostolov town one adoptive family has adopted two more children and there are 5 new families that already have adopted children. Also in Sshors town, Chernigov region 2 new families adopted children from the orphanages.
What does It mean to us and why these stories inspire us? It means to us that dozens of children from the orphanages are no longer there and they are not orphans anymore. It means to us that these children have parents now, who would take care for them and love them. We also learned, that trainings that we conduct for adoptive parents, do not only provide them with knowledge, but gives them courage, inspires them and motivates them to not be afraid to adopt more children. Through our trainings parents answer the main question “can I handle it?” For ILDC it is great encouragement to see these parents after the training being inspired, motivated and confident that they really can do it and there is no need to live in fear.
вторник, 18 января 2011 г.
пятница, 24 декабря 2010 г.
Dear friends,
First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for your care and your prayers for this situation.
We have been working with the USA embassy for last couple of weeks. We helped Katrina to fill out the necessary papers that Embassy had requested from Katrina. Yesterday we had a good conversation with the US embassy representative. They informed us that they have addressed the U.S. Health and Human Services/International Social Services to deal with Katrina’s repatriation back to the U.S. We were told that it is going to be about three weeks until we hear from them about their decision.
We would like to ask you to continue your prays for this situation, for Katrina and her future!
We will keep you updated on the situation
ILDC team
The Kyrylenko family from Apostolov town, Drenepropetrovsk region of Ukraine has adopted 3 children from the orphanage a year and a half ago. Right after children arrived to the family, the parents started experiencing problems with the oldest boy Vitality. He was misbehaving himself and caused many problems in the family. The Kyrylenko family approached ILDC national trainer for a consultation. After the consultation the family was invited to attend ILDC training for adoptive and foster families. As the result of the training, things in the family started to get better and better. Volodia has improved in his behavior and is getting along with his parents. Now, the Kyrylenko family has adopted two more kids, two brothers Daniel and Andrei. They have told us one day that they were very glad to attend the training and to learn how to manage difficult behavior. For us it is great example on how a training can make an impact and change families. Different things they didn’t know or maybe thought were not so important can cause big challenges and problems in the family. There are so many families in Ukraine with a similar situation to this one, where parents don’t know what to do and how to raise their adoptive or foster children. Some of them have already given up and children had to go back to the orphanage.
We believe, training can make a difference not only in parents' life but in lives of children as well!
We believe, training can make a difference not only in parents' life but in lives of children as well!
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